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photography in
Mannheim & Heidelberg

Photographer in
Mannheim & Heidelberg

Headshots for social media that stand out (and are recongnizable)

Color gradients in profile photos on social media platforms such as Instagram or LinkedIn are an ever-growing trend and you may have already noticed some such photos while scrolling through the timeline. A big advantage is that images with strong colors or harmonious color gradients have a high recognition value and help to make your profile stand out from the crowd.

The possibilities are many and basically something is possible for every desired style. It is important to determine before the photo shoot which colors should dominate, for example, to choose the clothes to match. A tip: Black actually always goes well with strong colors, because it does not compete with the background colors. However, complementary colors or colors from the same color spectrum fit just as well. It all depends on the effect you want to achieve.
For inspiration, I show a few examples in this article, although this is only a very small section of the spectrum of what is possible.. Maybe there is something in it that you like.

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