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photography in
Mannheim & Heidelberg

Photographer in
Mannheim & Heidelberg

Lecture ‘Portrait Photography’ at the University of Tübingen

Teaserfolie für Vortrag "Lichtführung mit Studioblitzen" an der Universität Tübingen.

I’ve been a guest at the University of Tübingen’s Department of Media Informatics on Thursdays in January for a few years now. I explain to the Master’s students in theory and with many practical examples what is important in lighting with studio flashes and what my workflow is for business portrait photography. We look at various image editing software together and this year in particular, beauty retouching with the help of artificial intelligence is of course a very big topic. During a live demonstration, I photograph some students and show them what is important in a photo shoot. We then select images that I edit live and the ‘models’ can of course take with them.

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